19. November 2020.

Vint Serf on the Sixth RSNOG

The sixth RSNOG conference, organized by the Group of Network Operators of Serbia (RSNOG) with the support of the Foundation “Registry of the National Internet Domain of Serbia” (RNIDS and Internet Sociеty, is scheduled for November 26, and the live broadcast starts at 11 am on RNIDS’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

The audience of this year’s RSNOG conference will have a unique opportunity to listen to the speech of Vint Serf, one of the “founding fathers” of the Internet. Serf participated in the development of projects on which the Internet as we know it today is based. In the 1960s, he worked with John Postel and Steve Crocker to develop what we know as the ARPANET network, and in the 1970s, Serf and Kahn created the TCP/IP protocol – the basic communication protocol of the Internet. During his extremely exciting and rich career, Serf has made an immeasurable contribution to the development of the Internet and the Internet management community. The topic of his address to the visitors of RSNOG will be the zero trust model of cyber security. Vint Serf’s participation was provided with the help of the Internet Society of Serbia.

As in previous years, the conference participants will be renowned experts in the field of information technology and cyber security, and the conference agenda was conceived through three thematic blocks:

11:00-11:40 – Greetings

11:40-12:40 – First block:
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on internet communications

12:50-13:50 – Second block:
“Cloud vs. On-premise “advantages and disadvantages

14:00-15:00 – Third block:
CERT activities in Serbia